Sunday, June 28, 2015

Crime Analysis

Crime, to some degree, is a function of human society.  When humans live in groups we tend to declare certain actions as being "wrong," and structure punishments and consequences correspondingly.  What specific actions are considered criminal obviously varies across space and time, and the motivations underlying those actions do as well, but analysis of where criminal activity occurs is an interesting application of statistical principles in spatial analysis.  The where doesn't necessarily give us the why, but it does make for some compelling theories, and a good introduction to spatial statistics in GIS.  

There are several decent measures of statistical "hotspots" one can employ, and the three used above to look at burglaries in Albuquerque, NM are Local Moran's I, Kernel Density and Grid Overlay.  All of the measures attempt to categorize, to some degree, the areas in which crimes are most frequent, by way of examination of their mapped locations.  The tools available in GIS to complete this analysis range from (relatively) simple point-in-polygon counts involved with Grid Overlay to the Z-scores and p-values used in the Local Moran's I.  Although all three methods used the same source data, clearly they have arrived at different resulting crime "hotspot" areas.  The variations as such are a function of the varied techniques involved in calculating statistically significant areas of highest crime.  

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Geoprocessing with Python

After covering a bit of geoprocessing last week, this week we delve into the heart of the matter- geoprocessing with Python.  Geoprocessing is at the heart of the ability of GIS to solve problems with models and analysis by way of powerful computing tools, and Python could be argued to be the GIS professional's key to a more advanced use of such.  Suffice it to say, though, that moving into this territory things begin to get a bit more complicated.

Our script for the week, a screen shot of the results of which is above, performs a basic series of geoprocessing tasks, executed entirely by way of Python code.  The first operation adds x-y coordinates to a shapefile with hospital locations.  The second process is a 1000 meter buffer around the hospital points, and the third dissolves the overlapping lines of the buffers, so they become a single feature.  Each task is completed via a Python command, and file names are entered as parameters, but in order to do so a "workspace" location must be set up first.  This allows the files being manipulated to be referred to by name, and not their full file path on disc, which makes the script a bit shorter and more compact.  After each operation is completed, a message is output- indicating that it was successful, and naming the operation that was performed.  This introduction to simple geoprocessing functions within Python script is the mere tip of the iceberg of Python's capability in this realm.

Sunday, June 21, 2015

Spatial Accessibility & Network Analysis

The concept of evaluating and analyzing spatial accessibility and networks could be considered the quintessential use of GIS- the program is, after all, a powerful tool for spatial analysis, and accessibility to various networks of travel (streets, sidewalks, railways, etc.) is a very intuitive GIS task in some respects.  

The scenario above involves the closing of the Cypress Creek Campus of Austin Community College, in Travis County, Texas.  The yellow crosses are the other ACC campuses, with the map on the left including Cypress Creek.  The concentric polygons surrounding the campus locations represent the amount of time one might spend driving to that location from that distance, in increments of 5 minutes.  The overlap areas of the drive-time areas is immediately evident, and visual comparison of the two scenarios reveals the fact that a portion of the north-west part of Travis County will no longer be within a 15-minute drive of an ACC campus with the closure of Cypress Creek.  Models like this are useful for analysis of spatial access, as they take into account factors such as road accessibility (one-way restrictions, dead ends, etc.), speed limits, and even historic traffic patterns can be used as a model parameter.  If one were required to assess the impact of closing a college campus, like the above scenario, ArcGIS would be an invaluable asset for analyzing the situation.

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Geoprocessing In ArcGIS

Geoprocessing is a cornerstone of ArcGIS, and is a general term that describes most of the spatial analytic functions of the program.  In my previous jobs working with GIS I didn't really use these tools, as I was primarily making maps for visual display. The use of GIS in any capacity beyond this typically requires use of geoprocessing tools.

The graphic above is a polygon representation of a basin area, with areas containing soil types designated as "not suitable for farming" removed. This was derived from polygon vector graphics of the basin and the various soil types that this area consists of, but the notable aspect of it is that the operation to remove the specific areas with the farming-unsuitable soil was performed with a Python script/model within ArcGIS.  Normally, one might use each tool within the program- clip, select and erase- one at a time, with the end result being the polygons above.  To streamline the workflow, which would be necessary for dealing with data in greater volumes, we can create a model within ArcGIS which will perform each operation in sequence when it is run, and can also be exported and modified as a Python script.  Models exported and modified as scripts have the advantage of potentially performing more complicated analyses, can work without the necessity of having ArcMap open, and can be scheduled to run at a designated time, automatically.  In my previous GIS career at a city board of public works, which administered water, sewer and electricity services, I worked with someone who created these kinds of scripts for our daily use, and they were essential to our operation.  I feel fortunate to now have the opportunity to learn more about how that might be done, and hope to possibly provide something as useful to someone's workflow someday myself.  

Sunday, June 14, 2015

Visibility Analysis and Camera Surveillance

Modern society, in public places, is under nearly constant video surveillance.  ( The merits and ethics involved in public video surveillance are endlessly debatable, but the logistic issues inherent in constant camera visibility do present some uniquely challenging problems involving spatial analysis.  Finding the best locations and viewing angles for cameras capturing the finish line of the Boston Marathon is the task du jour, aided by use of the 3-dimensional spatial analytic tools available in ArcGIS.

Above is the location in Boston where the finish line of the marathon is placed- symbolized with a pink star.  The purple circles are the camera locations, and the shades of blue and green are locations visible from one, two and all three of the cameras.  The cameras are placed to maximize the viewing angles and coverage of the finish line and the street on that block.  The blue and green colors are the output generated by the 3D Spatial Analyst to indicate the views offered by this combination of cameras, which is created with the use of an elevation layer that indicates the location and height of visible obstructions (buildings, etc).  The camera's locations are also input with a vertical offset, as if they were being placed on the top of the adjacent buildings, which further increases the size of their field of view.  If one were attempting to assess the placement of surveillance equipment these tools would be invaluable, as they would provide a convenient means of evaluating potential camera locations by indicating specifically which areas are visible from which cameras.          

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Issues of Ontological Perspective and Formalization in GIS

In the so-called “Digital Age” of the 21st century we are privy to an ongoing debate between the merits of increased digitization of our world and the idea that this strengthening focus and reliance on computational method has the real potential to dehumanize and pervert our traditional empirical sciences.  Nadine Schuurman argues in her 2006 piece for the Annals of the Association of American Geographers “Formalization Matters: Critical GIS and Ontology Research” that this debate is unnecessarily distracting within the field of GIScience, and that the ontological focus that many feel is required is now being fully integrated within the discipline itself. 

Addressing the issues raised by many traditionalists within the GIScience field regarding the increased need for perspectives critical of the process of formalizing the conceptual, particularly with respect to those processes involving computational algorithms, needs to acknowledge the concept of “Code Space” (Schuurman, 2006, p. 729).  “Code Space” is the necessary intertwining of computer code with virtually every aspect of our day-to-day lives, including those aspects which are affected by spatial models, analysis and decision making.  Those who may be wary of this increased focus on the computational aspects of GIScience, within the discipline of geography in general, need to recognize that this shift is somewhat inevitable, given society’s prevailing and ubiquitous integration of computers and computer code/algorithms.  Schuurman argues that because this shift is common to every area of modern life, including geography’s formalized representation of the real world, it is necessary for those opposed to the paradigm shift to at least recognize the efforts being made at integrating an awareness of ontological and epistemological principles into GIScience (p. 735).

Expressing any kind of natural or human spatial relationship involving the physical environment is a process of abstraction, of formalizing the conceptual, and of necessarily losing some amount of nuance and detail.  Computer code and models exemplify this simplification, regardless of their attempts at complex accuracy, and at times it is completely necessary to purposely compromise the detailed accuracy of spatial analysis and cartographic information, in order to render it more palatable to certain audiences (p. 730).  Whether it is even possible to produce a completely accurate model or representation of these processes and analytics is a debate between Epistemelogical and Ontological Complexity, and is not likely to ever be truly definitively settled.  Schuurman contends, though, that the implicit acknowledgement and recognition of ontological principles is now becoming a dedicated facet of the disciplines of GIScience, GIS and geography (p. 735).  If the mere recognition that formalization with computational methods raise unique and fundamental ontological and epistemological issues can become innate within the formal framework of these disciplines, the traditionalists should have nothing to fear.  As long as the dialectic remains present, address and awareness of potential issues will abide.

Reference source:
Schuurman, N. (2006). Formalization Matters: Critical GIS and Ontology Research. Annals Of The Association Of American Geographers, 96(4), 726-739. doi:10.1111/j.1467-8306.2006.00513.x

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Debugging, Error Handling, and more Trials of Perseverance & Stoicism

Programming errors are unavoidable.  For the novice programmer they are an omnipresent threat, waiting at the ready to crash a script and destroy the prospect of an early evening, to test the already frayed nerves and severely waning patience of a long suffering student.  They are how we learn- the crux of our trial and error Python education, and we must adapt to handle them with grace.  Or at least know how to deal with and fix them, and not smash our computers in the process.

Debugging script, or finding and remedying errors therein, is a skill and an art in and of itself.  There are plenty of ways to do it- the dubugging tools in PythonWin, for example, can be exceedingly helpful, or inserting print statements to isolate where in the script the error is occurring.  Finding one's preferred method is, appropriately, a trial and error process.  The screenshot above is the output of one of three simple scripts, the task at hand was to isolate and fix the errors secreted within.  Simple syntax errors- incorrect capitalization, indentation or spelling- will prevent a script from running entirely, and, like all typos, are easy to inadvertently add when typing.  These errors are relatively easy to find and fix, though, especially with the spellcheck-like "check" tool available in PythonWin.  More difficult, without question, are logic and exception errors, which occur within the code's structure, and can be exceptionally difficult to isolate and fix.  These are the errors we are faced with in our second, more insidiously villainous, script.

Here we have the screenshot of an output that is a list of the layers in a map document.  This script was a rather wonderful lesson in perseverance, as well as finding and isolating exception errors.  There were eight total errors to locate, and it was not meant to be easy.  There is something to be said, however, for the satisfaction that comes from spending upwards of 2 hours scouring tutorials and Help documents, and finally reaching that Gestalt moment when all becomes clear and the error is removed.  It is one of the more gratifying experiences one can have, to be sure.  Working with the various modules, tools and processes within the script was pretty illuminating as well- as running through it line by line with the debugger several dozen times provides ample opportunity to become familiar with them.  Exception errors are not always easy to locate and remedy, but learning to do so is an invaluable skill.

The final output, which could be contended to have the easiest "solution," was also probably the trickiest, possibly because the solution wasn't very complicated.  The idea here was to allow an error to occur within the first part (part A), using a try-except statement, so that it didn't cause a runtime error that would stop the script, and the second part (part B) could produce its output regardless.  The concept behind the try-except condition was not the easiest to grasp though, which made its correct implementation quite onerous.  The idea behind it is to instruct the program to try to execute some block of code, and in the event of an exception to produce some alternate output- like an error message- rather than stopping altogether.  A condition that allows for exceptions without crashing the entire process is a useful one to know, and the time spent on this one was, like the first two, worth the trouble and frustration for the insight it provided.   

Monday, June 8, 2015

Watershed Analysis & Stream Models

The Hawaiian Island of Kauai is a volcanic landscape that receives tremendous amounts of precipitation throughout the year, like all of the Hawaiian Islands, but is generally more forested and less developed than its fellows.  Creating an accurate model of the watersheds on the island presents a unique challenge because of the excess of rain, heavy and ultimately greatly varied amounts of forest cover, and a landscape surface composed primarily of volcanic material.  All of these factors can effect the amount of surface water present, and all contribute to the size and location of the island's many rivers and streams.

One of the aims of this week's final map was to depict the visual differences between the model-produced streams and watershed layers and the vector graphics of what actually exists.  The map above shows quite clearly that there are a myriad of discrepancies between both the stream and watershed locations produced by the ArcGIS model and those actually present.  One of the user-specified parameters involved in both models is the "accumulation threshold," or the drainage area required to produce an actual stream.  If this threshold is set too high the model output will contain too few streams, if it is set too low the output will contain too many. Upon comparison between a few generated outputs created using different specified thresholds with both aerial photos and the existing vector layers, it becomes evident that creating a model that produces results accurate to reality is no easy feat.  The above was produced with a rather low threshold, which allowed for more streams in the output- presumably logical, given the climate and terrain of the island.  One outcome affected by this, though, is the size of the model-generated watershed. Clearly the model's output (in orange) falls quite short of what is recognized as the actual watershed boundary (the yellow).  This exercise was a good lesson in the potential challenges involved with creating an accurate spatial model, and how the choices of data input can drastically affect the model's results.

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Python Fundamentals, part II

This week we continue with the theme of Python scripting basics, and throw in an introduction of conditional statements.  Python, like most programming languages, accomplishes a plethora of different tasks with conditional statements; one could contend intimate knowledge of their use is a cornerstone of any successful Python tutelage.  Another integral function of Python's ability to control different workflows is the loop structure- such as while and for statements.

This screenshot displays an output of a script that uses lists of strings and numbers, a random number module, and some loop and conditional statements.  The output displayed (at the bottom of the script) is a list of random numbers, with an "unlucky" number defined, identified within the random list, an output of the list with all instances of that number removed, and one of two statements- dependent upon whether the defined number was present in the random list or not. It is also the fruits of a few hours of what might be considered, on the part of this blog author, the ultimate test of "trial-and-error patience."  Merely explaining to someone how a given process works doesn't make for a very effective lesson.  To really teach someone a concept like writing Python script it is necessary to, at a certain point, state the required output, and omit the step-by-step instruction.  It is then up to the student to sink or swim- learn how to use the code and produce the results, or don't.  It is an effective teaching strategy, to be sure, but an unfortunate by-product (for those of us with pathetically short tempers) is vexation of a level difficult to enumerate in words.  The script is written, though, the task completed, and the lesson not one to be easily forgotten.